Family Comment
Funeral Choices
As unique as the life lived.
We believe that a funeral should be a personal and special occasion, where you dictate what happens.
Everyone is different in their lives. This can and should be reflected in their funeral.
Whether you believe that a funeral with many traditional features is appropriate, or one that is considerably different, we hope the information on our website will assist in arranging a personal celebration of the life of your loved one.
We have developed a sister site showing various choices; some traditional, some modern and some downright wacky which will be continually updated when new ideas and items become available. Please note that there are pictures of coffins etc on the site. Also featured on the site are readings, poems and music ideas.
Please click here or on the image above to open FUNERAL CHOICES in a new window.
Any good funeral director should be able to provide all of the options available on this site.
You may find however, that some of the larger groups are unable to as they may not be allowed to purchase single items from any supplier as their head office does not have an agreement in place.
Also some of the national and multi-national groups “hide” behind the names of old family businesses.
Please be sure to check who you are actually entrusting to look after your loved one. Click here for more details