My Funeral Wishes

The following form has been used by many people to leave wishes for the type of funeral they would like.

It is popular because it saves your family having to guess about the arrangements when the time comes.

This is not a Pre-Payment plan just a Pre-Arranged copy of your wishes, the funeral itself can be paid for at the time by your family or from your estate in the usual way.

For details of pre-payment plans please see the Pre-Payment Plans page. Funeral wishes, whether in a will or in a letter or form as below, are not legally binding on friends and relatives, but will normally be followed where at all possible. At the very least, what follows may stimulate you to think of the kind of funeral you might or might not like; and to make sure that those who may be responsible in the event know your wishes.

Simply complete the form and click on the submit button at the end. When we receive your completed form we will check your wishes and keep the details on our files. We will then send you two free packs, one for you and one for your relatives or executor. This will give them all of the information needed when the time arises so all it takes is one phone call to Armstrongs and we will take care of all of the arrangements.

NB. If you live outside the Suffolk/Norfolk area or want your wishes stored with a Funeral Director other than Armstrongs then please visit our downloads page for a printable copy of this form.

We will be more than happy to send you a copy of this form if you prefer or indeed discuss any and all aspects of Pre-Arrangements with you in person, by letter or over the phone. A downloadable version can be found on our downloads page.

Please visit our personalising funerals page for some ideas on how to make a funeral more personal.

We suggest you set up an account so you can log in at any time to amend your wishes should they change.