“everything was carried out so professionally, & with the utmost
courtesy & consideration”
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eForests tree planting
Tree Planting across the UK with eForests.co.uk.
Helping to rebuild our woodland heritage… From Cornwall to The Scottish Highlands
Since the First World War almost half of this country’s ancient woodland has been cleared, or spoiled by commercial replanting.
eForests, a non profit organisation, plant trees at locations across the United Kingdom, from Cornwall in the south west to the Scottish Highlands in the far north. Each location is properly managed yet fully accessible to the public.
The locations range from National Trust land, Wildlife Trust nature reserves and Community Woodlands through to Urban Farms. Every tree they plant is guaranteed to last a lifetime, so should a tree die or become badly damaged, they will replace it with a new tree for free.
When Armstrongs dedicate a tree our support will help to care for the young trees, improve the new sites for public access and wildlife and support eForests work throughout the community.
a breath of fresh air
A Tree Dedication can also help to offset up to 1 tonne of carbon dioxide throughout the life of the tree. By dedicating a tree we are helping to maintain and improve new woodlands and supporting eForests work to provide local people with opportunities to live healthier, more sustainable lives and reduce their carbon footprint.
eForests have a number of schemes that directly result in the planting of trees and the creation of new woodland and Armstrong’s are proud to be supporters of these scheme’s.
If anyone settles their outstanding account within the 14 day period, we will organize for a tree to be dedicated in memory of their beloved. Although individual trees are not marked in any way in order to keep the wood as natural as possible, they will receive a certificate to verify that the tree has been dedicated. This is in keeping with our policy of being environmentally friendly, and is an initiative which we hope will be well received.
Our latest plantings are at two locations managed by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. Hazelwood Marshes is located in Aldeburgh on the Suffolk coast and Bentley Old Railway Line is just north of Bentley, which lies a few miles south west of Ipswich.
We had previously planted nearly 500 trees with the Woodland Trust and we started planting with eForests in Feb 2009.